21 Days:
. Wk1Ref
. Applts
. Swing
. Grph
. D13-14
. D15-21
. D22-28
cc12: Miscl . SQL . EJB . Vocab . (NotesHelp) . J2EE . Web misl: 21 Days(src) . Dictionary(foldoc) . Unicode . Tables . Print . html misl: F.Allimant . Swing (J.H.University) |
byte short int long float double char boolean |
8 bits (1 byte) 16 bits (2 bytes) 32 bits (4 bytes) 64 bits (8 bytes) | -32,768 ... 32,767 +/- 2,147 M +/- 9,223,372,036 G 1.4E-45 ... 3.4E+38 4.9E-324 ... 1.7E+308 letters, numbers, and symbols true or false |
\n \t \b \r \f \\ |
New line Tab Backspace Carriage return Formfeed Backslash |
\' \" \d \xd \ud |
Single quotation mark Double quotation mark Octal Hexadecimal Unicode character (nothing for bell or vertical tab) |
() . [] | '()' used to group expresions; '.' used to access methods and variables within objects and classes (see day4); '[]' with arrays; |
++ -- ! - instanceof | The 'instanceof' operator returns 'true' or 'false'. Determines if the object is an instance of the named class or that class's subclasses. (see day4) |
new (type)expression | 'new' for creating new instances of classes; '()' for casting a value to another type. (see day4) |
* / % | Multiplication, division, modulus. |
+ - | Addition, subtraction. |
<< >> >>> | Bitwise left and right shift. |
< > <= >= | Relational comparison tests. |
== != | Equality. |
& | AND. |
^ | XOR. |
| | OR. |
&& | Logical AND. |
|| | Logical OR. |
? : | Shorthand for, if...then...else. |
= += -= *= /= %= ^= | Various assignments. |
&= |= <<= >>= >>>= | More assignments. |