Assignment 1: Create web page

#4. Information regarding markup languages used on the web:

Answer items below regarding markup languages used on the web:
4.a.  List them (like html, xhtml, xml, etc) and identify the versions (like XML 1.0).
4.b.  Explain how they are used and why they are important.
4.c.  Compare them (i.e., how they differ, are similar, and how they relate to each other)...

HTML Versions

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) a language used to process and display data in a Web browser. It contains tags to format text, and display various forms of multimedia such as images, videos, and sound. HTML is designed to format and display data appearance. Dynamic HTML (DHTML) is a combination of HTML, Cascading Style Sheets, and a scripting language. DHTML is a way to add functionality to a Web page.

XML Versions

XML uses tags to describe the structure and content of a document, not the format. The programmer defines his own tags. The result is similar to data in a database. XML is not a replacement for HTML. The primary purpose of XML is to define, transport and store data. XML does not do things directly for the user, but it is used in combination with other technologies.

4.d.  Answer...  It is important to know HTML even though WYSIWYG applications code most of the HTML for you. There are times when you will need to modify the HTML code outside of these editors since they do not handle every possibility.

4.e.  Answer...  Web browsers only know how to display HTML. So, server languages such as ASP and PHP need to respond to Web browser requests by sending back HTML.

4.f.  Answer...  HTML by itself is quickly received over slow internet connections. If this accounts for a considerable amount of your Web page audience, then you may need to use html instead of server languages and other tools like Flash and PDF.

#5. Items regarding html:

  1. View the source for this assignment page, then list what elements are used in the body section (if same element like <br> is used multiple times just list it once).
    Answer...  small (font size), a (anchor), hn (heading), p (paragraph), b (bold), br (break), ol (ordered list), i (italic), strong (bold), ul (unordered list), span (group inline-elements), table (table)
  2. For this assignment page, list what attributes are used in the body section.
    Answer...  href, lang, class, style.
  3. Describe the use of the head and body elements.
    Answer...  The <head> section contains information such as the title of the page.
    The <body> section contains the body Web page body. It is made of text and html tags.
  4. Correct the following html code.
    <head><p>this is a web page<p><html><body><p>how cool <br>is <b>this</p></b></html></body>
    <p>This is a web page.</p>
    <p>How cool <br />is <b>this</b>?</p>