Subject: xsl, "Access is denied" problem | Topic: Main |
Author: David Gradwell |
Date: October 22, 2008 1:38 PM |
Subject: Re:xsl, "Access is denied" problem | Topic: Main |
Author: Christopher Lochstet |
Date: October 27, 2008 11:18 PM |
Subject: Re: Quiz 5 | Topic: Main |
Author: Edward VanBlargan | Date: December 3, 2008 2:10 PM |
-----Wk01Pr01: Introduction to HTML
Miscellaneous TERMS (roughly in order as we learned them)-----Orientation: Getting Familure with the Class
===Home Page › Getting Started - 'Calander' might not always be up to date. [ ]: View video(s) at bottom of this page. ===Temporary Notes Site
-----Wk01Pr01: Introduction to HTML
TERMS from Project 1 (in order they appear in the book)===Web Site Types and Purposes oses (pg.7)
- Internet - anyone.
- Intranet - employees and members.
- Extranet - select business partners or customers.
===Web Browsers (pg.9)
=====What Is Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) (pg.9)
===HTML Coding Practices (pg.11)
- ...are designed to simplify creating and editing HTML pages.
- ...ensure pages appear correctly in different browsers.
- You should separate sections with a blank line. This will not appear in the output.
===HTML Versiona (pg.11)
- To ensure that browsers will will interpret new versions of HTML, the W3C maintains HTML specifications.
- W3C's HTML standards and specifications are publicly available on their Web site.
===Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) (pg.12)
- (Not CSS) Easy. List of HTML tags and their attributes to alter Web page elements. (see Apendix A)
- Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) controls an element on whole Web page, or whole Web site. Covered in Ch.8.
===Dynamic HTML (DHTML) (pg.12)
- Dynamic HTML (DHTML) is used with other Web technologies to provide additional functionality.
- Dynamic HTML (DHTML) is a combination of HTML tags, CSS, and a scripting language like JavaScript.
- Covered in later projects.
===Extensible Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML) (pg.12)
- XHTML is used to describe the structure and content of a document, not the format.
- XHTML is a reformulation of HTML, that conforms to the rules of Extensible Markup Language (XML).
- 'By incorporating HTML and XML, XHTML combines the benefits of the display features of HTML, and
the stricter coding standards required by XML'.
- All book examples adhear to XHTML rules outlined in Table 1-3 pg.13.
=====Tools for Creating HTML Documents (pg.13)
- Text editors: type in text and HTML tags.
- HTML editors: Macromedia, HomeSite, or BBEdit.
- Save as Web Page: Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
- Microsoft Access, can create a Web page that allows add, edit, or view data in a database.
- WYSIWYG: Microsoft FrontPage, Macromedia Dreamweaver, or Sausage Software HotDog.
=====Web Development Life Cycle (pg.14)
PLANNING - identify goals and purpose |
ANALYSIS - decide content and functionality |
DESIGN and DEVELOPMENT - consider the Web site's design |
TESTING - review content, functionality, and usability |
IMPLEMENTATION and MAINTENANCE - how to publish and update |
===Web Site Planning (pg.15)
- Must adequately identify the intended purpose.
- Consider speed of most users isp connections.
===Web Site Analysis (pg.16)
- One of the more important steps.
"Clearly understanding and defining the desired content and
functionality of the Web site will
direct the type of Web site that you design and reduce changes during
Web site development."
===Web Site Design and Development (pg.16)
- Web site structures:
. Linear - each page links to the
next one, sequentially,
. Hierarchical - tree like structure,
. Webbed - no set organization,
. Broad - all pages linked from the
home page,
. and Deep - mostly linear with some
hierachical (tree) links.
- Design for a 'diverse audience'.
- Always include 'alternative text' for each graphic.
===Web Site Testing (pg.20)
- Test at various stages of design and developemnt.
- Types of testing:
. Usability - Measure how well it allows the user to accomplish his goals.
. Functionality - Does it function as intended?
. Combatibility - Does it work on a variety of browser versions?
. Stress - What happens when more users access the site?
===Web Site Implementation and Maintenance (pg.21)
- Once testing is complete, it can be implemented (published to a Web server).
- Many HTML editors and WYSIWYG editors provide publishing capabilities.
- Or use FTP software, like WS_FTP.
- Once published, then test again for obvious errors (like broken links or missing graphics).
- Once implemented, then develop a process to maintain the site.
- Users will request changes to content.
- Don't let site become stale, outdated, or link to removed sites.
- After changes, consider notifying users with a graphic banner, or a 'What's New' announcement.
-----Wk02Pr02: Creating and Editing a Web Page
- Homework - Assignment 1: Create web page.
TERMS from Project 2 (in order they appear in the book)===Introduction (pg.30)
===Text Elements (pg.32) (more on pg.98)
- Normal text (default) can be formated.
. bold <strong>.
. italic <em>.
. underlined <u>.
. different colors, etc.
===Hyperlink Elements (pg.33)
- Point to: other Web pages, other places in the same page, graphics, sound, video, program files, e-mail addresses.
===Notepad (pg.35)
- Enabling 'Word Wrap' does not effect the way text appears when printed.
- Start with a <!DOCTYPE> tag (only tag in upper case).
- Then four sets of tags: <html>, <head>, <title>, and <body>.
- Basic sections of the page: 'header information' and the 'body of the page'.
. <html> head and body </html>. (pg.37)
- Tags without closing tags close with a space and a forward slash.
Such as <hr /> and <br />
<!DOCTYPE> | - First thing in an HTML file.
- Tells the browser which HTML or XHTML version and type the document uses. . W3C supports (for HTML or XHTML) three document types: . strict - prohibits use of 'deprecated' (marked for eventual removal) tags. . transitional - allows 'deprecated' tags. (Chapters 2, 3, 4, 5) . frameset - supports frames on a Web page (also allows 'deprecated' tags). (Ch. 6, 7) - Includes a URL that references a 'Document Type Definition' (DTD) on the W3C site. . File containing definitions of tags and how they should be used. (pg.36) |
<html> </html> | Indicates the start and end of an HTML document. |
<head> </head> | Indicates the start and end of section containing title and other info. |
<title> </title> | Does not appear in the body of the Web page. Appears on the title bar of the browser and labels bookmarks (and search engines). |
<body> </body> | Indicates the start and end of the Web page body. |
<hn> </hn> | Indicates the start and end headings.
- Larger font, often bold or italic or a different color. - n is a number 1 through 6 (1 being the largest font). - Be sure to use them consistently. |
<p> </p> | Indicates the start and end of a new paragraph. Causes a blank line above the paragraph. |
<ul> </ul> | Indicates the start and end of a 'unordered (bulleted) list'.
<ul type=""> : "disc", "square", or "circle". |
<ol> </ol> | Indicates the start and end of a 'ordered (numbered) list'.
<ul type=""> : "1"=numbers, "A or a"=letters, or "I or i"=Roman numberals. |
<li> </li> | Indicates a 'list item' within a ordered or unordered list. |
<hr /> | Inserts a horizontal line. |
<br /> | Inserts a line break. |
<dl> </dl> | Indicates the start and end of a 'definition list'.
<ul type=""> : "1"=numbers, "A or a"=letters, or "I or i"=Roman numberals. |
<dt> </dt> | Indicates a 'term'. |
<dd> </dd> | Indicates a 'definition' of the term. |
===Image Attributes <img> (pg.52)
align | Values: bottom, middle, top, left, or right. |
alt | Provides alternate text. Describe purpose of the image, not a description of it. |
border | Border width. If greater than zero, then displays the link color. |
height | Height of image. Improves loading time. |
hspace | Horizontal space that separates the image for the text. |
src | Provides the URL to the image. |
vspace | Verticalspace that separates the image for the text. |
width | Width of image. Improves loading time. |
===Center a Heading <h1 align="center"> (pg.52)
===Color Chart (pg.55)
===Adding a Horizontal Rule <hr /> (pg.56)
-----Wk03Pr35: Creating Web Pages with Links, Images, and Formatted Text
- Homework - Assignment 2: Trout page, Fonts, Links, Image Map.
- - Markup Validation Service
===Using Links on a Web Page (pg.72)
- To change link color defaults, use IE Tools menu, Internet Options.
- These body attributes apply to the boxes around images as well.
- To change link colors on a Web page, place 'link'(normal), 'alink'(active), and 'vlink'(visited) attributes in the <body> tag. (pg.74)
===Adding a Left-Aligned Heading with a Font Change (pg.82)
- Example: <h1><font color="#000066">Welcome!</font></h1>
- Font attributes: 'color', 'face', 'size'. Size can be 1 to 7, 1 being largest, 3 is the default. Or -3 to +4.
- Shading Example: <span style="background-color: #b4e3b5">Trout Fishers</span>
===Adding a Background Image (pg.87)
- Example: <body bgcolor="#a1d4f1">
- Example: <body background="mypicture.jpg">
===Adding a Text Link (pg.87)
- 'Anchor tag' example: <a href="myurl">mylinktext</a>
- Anchor attributes: (pg.88)
. href - Specify the URL of the linked page or file.
. name - Name of the anchor.
. title - ballon text.
. rel - <a rel="next" href="myurl">. Use: next, prev, index, or copyright.
. rev - <a rev="prev" href="myurl">. Use: next, prev, index, or copyright.
. type - Specify content type (also know as media type or MIME type). Type examples...
text/html, image/jpeg, video/quicktime, application/java, text/css, text/javascript.
The browser displays a file based on its MIME type and not on what type of code it really
===Adding a E-Mail Link (pg.90)
- Example: <a href="">My Link Text</a>
===Formating Text (pg.98)
- Several Text Formating Tags. (Table 3-5)
. <b> </b> - Physical style tag that displays text as bold.
. <big> </big> - Increases font size in comparison to surrounding text.
. <blockquote> </blockquote> - long quotation; indents margins on sections of text.
. <em> </em> - Logical style tag that displays text with emphasis usually italicized.
. <i> </i> - Physical style tag that displays text as italicized.
. <pre> </pre> - Preformated material. Preserves spaces and line breaks; often used for text
in column format pasted from another document into HTML code.
. <small> </small> - Decreases font size in comparison to surrounding text.
. <strong> </strong> - Logical style tag that displays text with strong emphasis usually bold.
. <sub> </sub> - Displays text as subscript (below normal text).
. <sup> </sup> - Displays text as superscript (above normal text).
. <tt> </tt> - Displays text as teletype (monospace) text.
. <u> </u> - Displays text as underlined.
===Viewing, Testing Links, and Printing a Web Page (pg.92)
- Web Page Testing - Information about link testing.
===To Format Text with a Font Color (pg.102)
- <font color="#008822">My Text</font>
===Adding an Image with Wrapped Text (pg.102)
- <img src="mypic.jpg" align="right" alt="alt text" /> - aligns the image to the right of the text. (pg.102)
You MUST Enter a <br /> tag to stop the text from wrapping.
. <br clear="right" /> tag to stop the text from wrapping to the right.
. <br clear="left" /> tag to stop the text from wrapping of a left aligned image.
. <br clear="all" /> tag clears both left and right alignments.
- Text can be aligned to the left, right, top, middle, and bottom. (pg.103)
- 'alt' specifies baloon text, and for users with a 'screen reader', and for as the image is loading.
===Different Types of Links (pg.111)
- http:// - Link to an http Web site.
- ftp:// - Link to an ftp Web site.
- news: - Link to an newsgroup article.
===Link Targets and Links within a Web Page (pg.114)
- <a name="mytarget"> - names a target point within a Web page.
- <a href="#mytarget"> - creates a link to a target point within a Web page.
===CSS Opacity and Transparency (
-----Wk04Pr08: Creating Style Sheets (week4_note4_styleCss.htm)
- Homework - Assignment 3: Pure Golf.
TERMS from Project 8 (in order they appear in the book)===Creating Style Sheets (pg.334)
- Flexibility makes CSS useful, by offering inline, embedded, and external. See: (pg.334)
===Style Statement Format (pg.334)
- Inline - <h1 style="font-family: Garamond; font-color: navy">. (pg.336)
- Embedded - h1 {font-family: Garamond; font-color: navy} // inside <head> <style> <!-- (pg.336)
- External - Similar to embedded. Goes in css text file, without <style> <!-- (pg.337, 350, 352)
To add an external style sheet to a page:
<link href="my.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
/>, inside <head>.
. type="text/css"' indicates the
mime type (ie, content and language of the linked document).
. rel="stylesheet" indicate the relationship of the linked (href) document to the page.
. type="text/css" and rel="stylesheet" are required for CSS. (pg.352)
- Multiple elements (separated by , ) can be defined on 1 line. The same element can be used multiple times for example:
h1, h2, h3 { font-family: Comic Sans MS}
h2 {color: red }
- An embedded style sheed goes inside <head> <style> <!--
The comment hides script language the browser cannnot interpret. Useful when CSS is not supported. (pg.345)
background | color, image, position |
border | color, style, width |
font | family, size, style, variant, weight |
list | image, position, type |
margin | length, percentage |
text | alignment, decoration, indentation, spacing, white space |
===Working with Classes in Style Sheets (pg.338)
- Classes are an important advanced feature of CSS.
- A class defines a set of attributes to apply to any tag that excepts those attributes. (my words)
- You can deffine several classes for the paragraph tag, for example. (ie. different paragraph styles)
- Place the class definition within the style sheet rules.
- Place a period before the class name, which can be anything (no spaces).
- A class name should indicate purpose, not appearance.
- A class definition example: p.beginning {color: red; font: 20pt}
- A class use example: <p class="beginning">
===Book example project (pg.340)
- Setting the Paragraph Style: p {text-indent: 20pt} - indents first word of a paragraph.
If % is used, it is based on total width of the screen.
- body {margin: 8pt} - sets: margin-top, margin-bottom, margin-left, margin-right. (pg.349)
- p and margin can set: points, pixels, inches, centimeters, or %. (pg.349)
===Setting a Style for Links (the 'a' anchor) (pg.343)
- Selector choices: a or a:link, and a:visited, and a:active, and a:hover.
- As stated above, links can have three states: normal, visited, and active.
- Example of an Embedded Style Sheet and setting link style: (pg.344, 345)
<style type="text/css">
a {text-decoration: none; font-family: Verdana, Garamond; font-size: 12pt; color: black}
a:hover {background: black; color: white}
- For an External Style Sheet, remove the style tag and comment from the embedded example. (pg.337, 350, 352)
Place the text a file named 'mystuff.css'. To use it, place the following within the head section:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mystuff.css" />
- text-decoration can be: none, blink, line-through, overline, or underline. (pg.343)
- Multiple text-decoration ok, when separated with a space: {text-decoration: underline overline}
- Multiple font-family ok, when separated with a comma: {font-family: Verdana, Garamond}
- A 'font-family' name that contains spaces, must be enclosed in double quotes: {font-family: "Times New Roman", Garamond}
- "font-weight: value is darkness as lighter | normal | bold | bolder" or 100 to 900 (400 is no change, 900 is darkest) (pg.352)
- 'word-spacing' can use points, pixels, inches, centimeters, millimeters, picas, ems, or x-height. (pg.354)
- 'line-height' can use a number, length, or %. (pg.358)
. number - height is determined by font size.
. length - common lengths.
. % - percent of font height, 100% is default.
===Adding an Inline Style Sheet (pg.354)
- The last paragraph could contain info about the site, like the developer's info. Use smaller italic font to not distract the reader. (pg.355)
Example: <p style="font-style: italic; font-size: 8pt"> // inline style, applies just to that one tag.
===Links of Equal Width (
- How are the links arranged? Horizontally or vertically?
If vertically you could do this.
- #menuwidth { witdh: 12em }
#menuwidth a { display: block }
- <div id="menuwidth">
<a href="">....</a>
<a href="">....</a> ...
- If horizontally you could maybe float the As left and give them a width.
===Stationary background image example:
- <body style="background-image:url(american-flag-2a_dim1.jpg); background-position:top left;
===Samples from Professors Notes ("inline"
- <ol style="list-style: upper-alpha">
- <div style="border:5px double #FFFF00; width: 300px; margin-left: 100px;
color: #661144; background-color: #DDDDDD; line-height: 150%; padding: 10">
- <head> <title>CSS</title> <style type="text/css"> <!-- body {color: black; font-size:11pt; background-color: red; background-image: url('img_back3.gif'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 20% 0%} h2 { font-family: Arial; color: #800000 } h3 { font-family: Comic Sans MS; color: red } p {text-indent: 0.25in; margin-left: 50px; margin-right: 100px;} a:link {color: blue; text-decoration: underline;} a:visited {color: red; text-decoration: none;} a:active {color: red; text-decoration: none;} a:hover {color: green; text-decoration: underline; background: #F9EDED;} .myval {color:#CC0066; font-family: Arial;} .myred {color:#800000; font-family: Arial;} .myid {color:#AA0066; font-family: Comic Sans MS;} --> </style> </head>"inline" (CSS display Property)
-----Wk05Pr46: Creating Tables in a Web Site & Using Frames in a Web Site
... Proj-4 ... Creating Tables in a Web Site
- Homework - Assignment 4: World Wide Applications.
===Creating Web Pages with Tables (pg.134)
===Table Borders, Headers, Captions, and Rules (pg.137)
- rules attribute - select what ruller lines to show.
. rules="none" - no internal lines.
. rules="cols" - only vertical internal lines.
. rules="rows" - only horizontal internal lines.
. See Appendix A for additional information on supported values.
===Planning, Designing, and Coding a Table (pg.138)
===(1) Determining If a Table is Needed (pg.139)
- Use a table if it (a) helps organize the data, (b) makes the page easier to read.
===(2) Planning the Table (pg.139)
- Sketch the table on paper before coding any HTML.
===(3) Coding the Table (pg.141)
- <tr> - table row (row).
- <td> - table data (cell).
<th> - table header (cell). (centered and bold by default).
===Table Tag Attributes (pg.142)
<table> | align | table alignment (left, center, right)
('left' and 'right' causes text to go on side, like img does) |
bgcolor | background color for table | |
border | border width in pixels | |
cellspacing | space between cells in pixels | |
cellpadding | in pixels | |
cols | defines number of columns | |
width | sets table width | |
<tr> | align | horizontally aligns row (left, center, right, justify) |
bgcolor | background color of row | |
valign | vertically aligns row (top, middle, bottom) | |
<th> or <td> | align | horizontally aligns cell (left, center, right, justify) |
bgcolor | for cell | |
colspan | number of columns spanned by a cell | |
rowspan | number of rows spanned by a cell | |
valign | vertically aligns cell (top, middle, bottom) | |
<caption> | align | aligns caption (top, bottom, left, right) |
===Creating a Home Page (pg.143)
- Table 4-3 - HTML Code to Define Web Page Structure (skeleton or template).
===Using Borderless Tables to Position Images (pg.145)
- Default valign for 'data' cells (td) is 'center'. (pg.149)
===Adding Cellspacing, Cellpadding, and Caption (pg.167)
- If the table tag has 'border', then cellspacing increases the border. (pg.170)
- <caption align="bottom"><b>caption goes here</b></caption>. (pg.170)
===Spanning Rows and Columns (pg.172)
- colspan and rowspan are attributes of cells,
ie. <th> or <td>.
... Proj-6 ... Using Frames in a Web Site
TERMS from Project 6 (in order they appear in the book)===Introduction (pg.248)
- World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) discourages use of frames. They recomend "fixed positioning through the object element".
<frameset> | rows | number of rows |
cols |
number of columns | |
<frame> | frameborder |
must be one of "1", "0" (or "yes" or "no") |
bordercolor | border color (default is gray) | |
marginwidth | on left and right of frame (default is 8) | |
marginheight | above and bellow doc in frame (default is 8) | |
noresize | must be "noresize" | |
name | used as a target | |
scrolling | indicates whether a scroll bar is present | |
src | the file to display in the frame | |
title | always use <title> and <name> to id the frame | |
<noframes> | |
Gets <body> ... </body> (if frames not supported) |
===Planning and Laying Out Frames (pg.258)
- Goal and purpose determine which layout is best. (pg.258)
- <frameset cols="20%, 65%, 15%"> (can be # of pixels or #%)
- <frameset cols="*, 65%, *"> (* columns will be of equal width)
===Specifying Attributes of the Header and Menu Frames (pg.265)
- To be compliant with accessibility guidlines (Appendix C), always use <title> and <name> to id the frame.
- Do not disable scrolling on the menu frame, to be sure all menu options are always visible.
===Adding Links with Targets to the Menu Page (pg.265)
- To be compliant with accessibility guidlines (Appendix C), always use <title> and <name> to id the frame.
- Do not disable scrolling on the menu frame, to be sure all menu options are always visible.
- Targets: by default a link will load in same frame; a target makes links load in another frame and its useful to set a default
target frame for the page. An example target in a link is: <a href="file.htm" target="main">
loads the href into the frame named "main". A name must be unique and for safety the id & name attributes should be
the same. Some options with targets are:
. target="framename" opens new window
. target="_top" loads over top all frames in the window, useful for loading other url's
. target="_self" loads over current frame
. target="_blank" opens new window
-----Wk06Pr--: HTML Multimedia
- Homework (not for a grade) - Links to Don's MySpace Page
-----Wk07Pr12: XML Documents
- Homework - Multimedia, XML, and Stationary background example
The basics of XML and xml documents are covered in links below:
- <![CDATA[text data that will not be parsed by the XML parser]]>
- A CDATA section starts with "<![CDATA[" and ends with "]]>"
-----Wk08Pr12: XML Display with CSS and Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL)
- Homework - Assignment 6: XML Display
Helpful Links: .
XSLT Functions
Using XPath string functions in XSLT templates
===Linking a Cascading Style Sheet to Format an XML Document (pg.563)
===Formatting and Manipulating an
XML Document Using an XSL Style Sheet (pg.566)
- CSS formats display of XML documents. (pg.567)
- Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) does two things: formats and
translates XML documents.
- With XSL, the XML parser can output a different format, like HTML.
This output is called a result tree.
- If more than one linked XSL stylesheet, then only first is used.
- If XSL and CSS stylesheets are linked to an XML document, then only the XSL
is used.
===Creating an XSL Style Sheet (pg.568)
- XSL syntax is similar to XML. All XSL elements must use the xsl
namespace prefix ( <xsl: ) to distinguish from XML elements.
- For complete list of XSL style elements, see XML Quick Reference in Appendix
- xsl:stylesheet and xsl:transform elements must have a version number, if
the namespace code is the official W3C specification.
- Examples of XSL stylesheet
Element (pg.568):
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
other style sheet code here
</xsl:stylesheet> or
<xsl:transform version="1.0"
other style sheet code here
- The stylesheet element establishes a namespace, so the
remaining elements, such as the template, can use names that will not be
confused with other elements.
- A template is an insturuction that identifies the elements in
a document that should be transformed and then specifies how.
- The template is the most important part of the XSL style sheet. An XSL style
sheet must have at least one template element.
===General form of XSL template
Element (pg.568):
<xsl:template match="pattern"
other style sheet code here
- Example: (match="/"
defines the entire document (ie, indicates that the entire document will be
<xsl:template match="/">
other style sheet code here
===for-each Element (pg.570):
- General form: <xsl:for-each select="pattern">
- Comment: Returns the associated child element's data identified by the
select pattern.
- Example: <xsl:for-each select="video/movie">
===sort Element (pg.570):
- General form: <xsl:sort select="value"
lang=token data-type="value" order="ascending|descending"
case-order="upper-first|lower-first" />
- Comment: 'select' indicates which element to sort.
- Example: <xsl:sort select="Year"
data-type="number" />
===value-of Element (pg.571):
- General form: <xsl:value-of select="pattern" />
- Comment: 'value-of' indicates that the page should display the value
of the specified element.
- Example: <xsl:value-of select="Title" /> (the value of
Title is displayed)
- Attributes can be specified in various places instead of elements with
prefix @ for example <xsl:value-of select="Author/@born"/>
===text Element (pg.572):
- Example: <xsl:text> </xsl:text> (adds a space to the
===Linking an XSL Style Sheet
to an XML Document (pg.574)
===xml-stylesheet Processing Instruction
- General form: <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="file path"?>
- Comment: Similar to the processing statement used to link a CSS.
Key difference is type="text/xsl".
- Example: <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="bellvideo-year.xsl"?>
===Using Paging to Display XML Data
in a Table (pg.576)
- Data binding - "the process of mapping XML elements to a
data format that preserves the hierarchy of the data and allows the
data to be manipulated using different methods". (pg.577)
- Data island - "a set of data elements separate from the
main HTML Web page." and "has the capability of embedding XML
documents in HTML pages. The process uses data source object
(dso) technology".
= HTML <xml> Element
- General form: <xml id="name" src="URL"></xml>
- Comment: This is a Microsoft extension and might not work for other
browsers. 'id' must be unique and represent the data source
and is recomended to start with 'dso'. 'src' is the
location and name of the XML data file.
- Example: <xml id="dsoVideo" src="bellvideo-type.xml"></xml>
data source object (DSO) | A unique name that represents the data island in the XML element. |
data consumers | . |
binding agent | . |
table repetition agent | . |
- When the browser opens the HTML Web page, the XML data is parsed. The
browsers then creates a data island (dso), which
handles the XML data as a recordset (collection of data
records and their fields).
- Ineternet Explorer has built-in methods, properties, and events that are
automatically associated with the recordset.
===How to Create an HTML Document to Display XML Data in a Table (pg.577)
Example: How to sort a price that starts with a dollar sign.
<xsl:sort data-type="number" select="substring-after(PRICE,'$')"/>
-----Wk09Pr--: XML Validation and Schemas
- Instructors
- Homework - Assignment 7: XML Validation
-----Wk10Wk11: XML DTD & HTML Forms
- (No Homework)
-----Quiz02--: Quiz02 - ChooseMarkup
-----Quiz03--: Quiz03 - Structure
-----Quiz04--: Quiz04 - Xml
-----Wk11Pr09: Javascript integration with HTML
- jeffersoncounty.htm - following the book
- Homework - Assignment 8: Javascript
===Date() object (pg.378)
- getDate() - "return the date in the month"
- getMonth() - returns a number from 0 to 11
- getFullYear() - returns the four-digit year
===Converting a date to a String
var sysDate = new Date() or
var sysDate = new Date("August 17, 2008") or
var sysDate = new Date(2008, 7, 17) // 7 indicates August
// return 1 - 365 (366 if leap year) function dayOfYear(dt) { var daysInMonth = new Array(31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31); var isLeapYear = (dt.getFullYear() % 4 == 0); var returnVal = dt.getDate(); // Returns the day of the month from a Date object (from 1-31) var monthsToAdd = dt.getMonth(); // Returns the month from a Date object (from 0-11) var monthIdx; if (monthsToAdd >= 2 && isLeapYear) returnVal++; for (monthIdx = 0; monthIdx < monthsToAdd; monthIdx++) { returnVal += daysInMonth[monthIdx]; } return (returnVal); }
=== toLocalString() and indexOf() (pg.379)
var curDate = sysDate.toLocalString() // returns "Day of the Week, Month,
Date, Year HH:MM:SS"
curDate = "August 17, 2008"
dateLocate = curDate.indexOf(",") // Returns a 9 (zero base (ie, relative
position)) index of the comma. (-1 if not found)
- parameter of indexOf must be a literal.
=== substring() and substr()
var idx = substring(x [, y])
- x is starting location (zero base (ie, relative position))
- y is ending location (optional) (zero base (ie, relative position))
var idx = substr(x [, length]) (x is relative position, just like in
subString() function)
- Strings maximum length in older browsers is 256
=== write() and writeln() Methods of the document object. (pg.386)
- writeln() can be used when a "/n" newline character will work, such as in a
<script type="text/javascript"> <!-- // Example of a user defined function. In <head> section. function gasButtonColor(bColor) { // Set color of ButtonGas button to bColor value passed into the function. = bColor } function doclock() { var now = new Date() var dateStr = now.toLocaleString() var timeStr = dateStr var spaceAt = 0 var dateEndAt = 0 for (count=1; count<=4; count++) { spaceAt = timeStr.indexOf(" ") dateEndAt += spaceAt + 1 timeStr = timeStr.substring(spaceAt+1) } dateStr = dateStr.substring(0,dateEndAt-1) document.getElementById('showdate').value = dateStr document.getElementById('showclock').value = timeStr // Wait one second, and loop by calling itself. setTimeout("doclock()",1000) } function calcGas() { var miles = parseFloat(myForm.TextBoxMiles.value) var galns = parseFloat(myForm.TextBoxGas.value) // Calculate miles per gallon, rounded to two decimal places. var mpg = Math.round(100.0 * miles / galns) / 100.0 alert("MPG = " + mpg) // pop up a message. } //--> </script> ... <body onload="doclock()" style="background-color:#88ccf4"> ... <input style="width:240px;background-color: Aqua;border-style:none;text-align:center" type="text" readonly="readonly" id="showdate" /><br/> <input style="font:bolder larger 'Arial Narrow';width:240px;background-color: Aqua;border-style:none; text-align:center" type="text" readonly="readonly" id="showclock" />
// In a <script> tag within body... // pg.381 Example code var today = new Date() var dayOfWeek = today.toLocaleDateString() // Thursday, November 20, 2008 12:00:00 AM var dayLocate = dayOfWeek.indexOf(" ") // index of zero base index of next space var weekDay = dayOfWeek.substring(0, dayLocate) var newDay = dayOfWeek.substring(dayLocate) var dateLocate = newDay.indexOf(",") var monthDate = newDay.substring(0,dateLocate+1) var yearLocate = dayOfWeek.indexOf("200") var year = dayOfWeek.substr(yearLocate, 4) var fairDate = new Date(2008, 10, 20) // Nov. 20, 2008 var millsecToFair = fairDate.getTime() - today.getTime() // milliseconds between dates var daysToFair = Math.ceil(millsecToFair / (1000*60*60*24)) // milliseconds to days document.write("<h4 style='margin-left:10%; width:590px' >Today is " + weekDay + " " + monthDate + " " + year</h4>) ... // In a <script> tag... // Display when this document was modified using the 'document' object property of 'lastModified'. document.write("<p>This document was last modified " + document.lastModified + "</p>")
===NOTE: From a Microsoft Demo: syntax for javascript block ("moving toward xhtml") <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> // <!CDATA[ // javascript code here // ]> </script> - CDATA contains text data that will not be parsed by the XML parser.
-----Wk12Pr10: Javascript form validation and other features
- castle.htm - following the book
- Homework - Assignment 9: Javascript Form
===Inserting a Scrolling Message on a Web Page (pg. 420)
- Four basic components
1) the display object
2) the text message
3) the begining position of the message within the text box
4) a time delay
OBJECT | EVENT HANDLER lower-case for xhtml 1.1 |
button | onClick, onDblClick |
document | onLoad, onUnload |
form | onSubmit, onReset, onBlur, onKeydown, onKeypress |
hyperlink | onClick, onDblClick, onMouseover, onMouseout |
image | onLoad, onAbort, onError |
input box | onBlur, onChange, onFocus |
Submit button | onClick |
window | onLoad, onUnload, onBlur, onFocus |
===Adding Validation to the Auto Loan Payment : Write a user defined function Calc() (pg. 431)
1) Validate input
2) Calculate the monthly payment
3) Display the results in the LoanCalc form
function Calc(LoanCalc) { var loanAmount = document.LoanCalc.Amount.value var loanAmount = parsInt(loanAmount, 10) if (isNaN(loanAmount) || loanAmount <= 0) { alert("The loan amount is not a valid number!") document.LoanCalc.Amount.value = "" document.LoanCalc.Amount.focus() } }
The Document Object Model (DOM) is a platform- and
language-independent standard
model for representing HTML or XML and related formats.
A web
browser is not obliged to use DOM in order to render an HTML document.
However, the DOM is required by
scripts that wish to inspect or modify a web page dynamically. In other words,
the Document Object Model is the way JavaScript sees its containing HTML page
and browser state.
===Table 10-26 open() Method Attributes (pg.454)
===Further Study
- alert(), confirm(), prompt()
- Cookies,
-----W13P1011: Javascript DHTML in Web pages - (Pr11)
- clinic.htm - following the book
- Homework - Assignment 10: Javascript DHTML XML
- dhtml_help.html - Email Responces to my
question about this homework assignment. addparameter()
- Web 125: Project - Santa / Christmas
Subject: Re:Assignment 10 XML Question | Topic: Main |
Author: James Zitch | Date: November 30, 2008 3:36 AM |
===Introduction (pg.474)
- Dynamic HTML (DHTML) - "is a term for a
collection of HTML tags, options, and style sheet properties... Not a new or
seperate Web combines: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript or VBScript." /
"allows: the hiding of text until needed; the animating of text and images
either controlled by the Web page or by the visitor; or the creating of content
that automatically refreshes, reads, processes, and responds to a visitor
- Dynamic positioning of elements is a key feature of DHTML.
- DHTML - "relies on Document Object Model (DOM)
to change the appearance of Web pages dynamically as they download to a
visitor's browser." It is a hierarchical naming system giving access to
images, forms, and layers, etc via scripting languages. For example, <img>
could be a child of <body> document object.
- Document Object Model (DOM) "is actually an Application Programming
Interface (API)... DOM identifies interfaces, semantics, and relationships."
- Three parts of DOM. The (1)
core is the
object of any well formed document. (2)
HTML and (3)
XML are the interfaces
used to view a document.
===Creating the Vertical Scrolling Menu. Four things must be
created. (pg.479)
1) "a division <div> tag that
will be used to move the menu." (<div> is similar to a layer)
2) "an HTML table that will contain the text for the menu."
3) "a style sheet to modify the menu links."
4) "a JavaScript function that continually checks the location of the menu
===Creating the screenTip() User-Defined Function (pg.503)
- eval() - "a global function that accepts a string or command and returns the
result of an executed statement." "Useful to execute JavaScript statements
using data, whose value, such as size of the window, is not known at the time
the Web page loads."
<xml id="orderDSO">
<!--XML data goes here -->
-----Wk14Pr12: XML and Javascript
-----More01: Since Course
-----02/25/2010 ASP VB Script String to Number conversion
usually take all input as strings, then if I need a number later I convert the
variable to a number and store it in a temp variable:
input_variable = "1234"
temp_variable = 1 * input_variable
So far I have had no problems.
Or use... CInt(varname) CLng(varname)
-----11/25/2009 HTML Parameter Passing
-----06/12/2009 to register a dll to be called from html
C:\Users\gradwell>C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\regasm C:\myweb\
Microsoft (R) .NET Framework Assembly Registration Utility 2.0.50727.3053 Copyright
(C) Microsoft Corporation 1998-2004. All rights reserved. RegAsm : error RA0000
: An error occurred while writing the registration informa tion to the registry.
You must have administrative credentials to perform this t ask. Contact your system
administrator for assistance
Or go to:
Html samples at: C:\myweb\verizon\app-techs\scim
=== AudioFormCab.htm // Loads dll that is in a CAB fuile
=== AudioForm.htm
// VideoOS.Sdk.DLL needs to be registered for this to work
// audioControl = new ActiveXObject("VideoOS.Sdk.UI.AudioControl");
=== Writing Object-Oriented
JavaScript Part 1
=== LogiXML, Inc. - Therefore, in 2004, LogiXML began
Logi Report as a free Web-based BI reporting tool; the product was more recently
renamed Logi Report or Like the other applications offered by
LogiXML, Logi Report was built on XML technology.