Subject: Quiz 2-4 Topic: Announcements
Author: Edward VanBlargan Date: October 28, 2008 9:55 AM

Must take 3 separate quizzes (2, 3, 4) starting Friday Oct 31 until Nov 10. Make sure to take all 3. The topics are:

quiz2 - Choose the most appropriate markup languages and versions for different web applications (based on concepts and no coding other than maybe code some essay answer, questions are multiple choice, matching, and/or essay)

quiz3 - Explain the structure and typical elements used in HTML, XHTML, and XML (also based on concepts and no coding other than maybe code some essay answer, but questions may have code to look at and explain; questions are multiple choice and essay)

quiz4 - HTML, XHTML, XML, and/or CSS (with heavy focus on XML and includes associated technologies like XSL and XSD; questions are multiple choice, essay and/or writing code for XHTML and XML)

The quizzes are separate in order to match up with course learning outcomes. Students likely dont even pay attention to outcomes but I have to "grade" the course based on outcomes as well as grade each student.

The 3 quizzes cover all material so far. A. After the quizzes we start javascript which will take us to the end of the courses


From Assessmentsssessments
Quiz2 Fri.Oct31 - Mon.Nov3 ChooseMarkup
Quiz3 Sun.Nov2 - Wed.Nov5 Structure
Quiz4 Fri.Nov7 - Mon.Nov10 Xml
Quiz5 Wed.Dec3 - Fri.Dec5 JavaScript


From Syllabusm Syllabus
Possible Points
Exam Final 250
One Quiz 50
10 Assignments 500 (50 points each)
Final Project 150
Class participation 50
TOTAL 1000

From Notes
Day Notes Description
8/19 Intro
note 1
HTML Introduction
8/26 note 2 HTML Creating web pages
9/2 xhtml
note 3
XHTML and validation
HTML Links, Images, and Formatted text; Image map
9/9 note 4 Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
9/16 note 5 HTML Tables; Frames, Page layout and design Web site publishing
9/23 note 6 HTML Multimedia
9/30 note 7 XML Documents
10/7 note_8 XML Display with CSS and Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL)
10/21 note_9 XML Validation and Schemas
10/28 note_10 XML DTD
11/4   HTML Forms
11/11   Javascript integration with HTML
11/18   Javascript form validation and other features
11/25   Javascript DHTML in Web pages
12/2   XML and Javascript
12/6 -- Comprehensive exam; covers entire course