David Gradwell David Gradwell
Computer and Web Programmer
Lancaster, PA  17601



To offer my skills and experience, towards creating great web pages and programs.


Professional Summary:

§         Experience developing efficient, and readable programs in VB.net, C#.net, SQL, ASP, ASP.net, C

§         Experience with Microsoft SQL and Oracle including select/insert/update

§         Experienced and proficient at writing reports with Crystal Reports, and R-Tree

§         Proficient developing Web pages with HTML, XHTML, XML, and JavaScript

§         Various experience developing applications with Client / Server technology

§         Experience developing ERP (Enterprise) Systems

§         Experience developing Graphical User Interfaces with Form controls

§         Experience developing Java 2 systems including Swing and mathematical formula parsing

§         Proficient developing GUI Windows Applications using the WinAPI

§         Proficient writing code for printing in C, C++, and Java

§         Proficiency writing add-on applications for QuickBooks & FishBowl-Inventory with VB.net and Java

§         Experience developing applications to translate various computer languages

§         Experience designing and developing a C-like language interpreter

§         Full life cycle design, development and coding

§         Demonstrated ability to understand, document and code mathematical concepts

§         Experience using MS Word, MS Excel, Word and Email, Thoroughbred Basic, Clipper, Paint Shop Pro

§         Experience writing documentation

§         Reliable, responsible, hard working and good independent or team player


Technical Skills:


ASP, C-Sharp.Net, JavaScript, Ajax, XML, VB.net, SQL, ASP.net, Crystal Reports, C#.net, XHTML, Java, C, bar code scanner, label printer, C++, R-Tree, Thoroughbred Basic, Clipper, Pascal, Fortran, HP Assembly, IBM370 Assembly


Microsoft.net Framework, Microsoft Visual Studio, QuickBooks


Google Maps API, Milestone Server, Paint Shop Pro, Visio


MS SQL Server 2005/2008, Oracle, Firebird SQL Server, Faircom C-Tree Server

Operating Systems:

Windows Vista / XP / NT / 9x / 3x, IBM OS/2, MS-DOS

Version Control:

Microsoft Visual Source Safe



Lock Haven University                                                                             Bachelor of Computer Science

  • Tutored Calculus, Programming, and Geometry


Harrisburg Community College                                                                                                          

·          Visual Basic (CIS238) – grade: 98.6%

·          HTML, XML, JavaScript (WEB125) – grade: 98.3%



  • Full Life Development Cycle of a local church web site. Developed in ASP.net
  • Completed: Java 2 Language (excellent 700 pg book and two years work experience).


Professional Experience

Video Surveillance Company                                                             Present

Position: Computer Programmer

Roles & Responsibilities:

§         ASP, ASP.net/C-Sharp, JavaScript, ActiveX objects, Milestone, and Html to develop Web pages to control and view surveillance cameras

§         ASP, and ODBC/SQL for a Work Order application to allow employees to report work done, and camera package quote calculator.

§         Plot customer markers with the Google Maps API, including a related database.

§         Develop applications based on TCP/IP

§         Develop enhancements to an ERP/Enterprise System

§         Implemented a label printing system

§         Maintain Inventory, and Purchase Order data

Business Software Company                                                              1 Year

Position: VB.Net QuickBooks Add-on Application Developer

Project Description: To provide a standard accounting platform, and custom integrated solutions, we develop add-ons to QuickBooks, and FishBowl-Inventory.

Environment: Microsoft 2005 VB.net, SQL Server 2005, XML, QuickBooks, Fishbowl, TCP/IP, Thoroughbred Basic, Java, and Remote Desktop.

Roles & Responsibilities:

§         Designed and developed QuickBooks add-ons with Visual Basic.net, SQL, and XML

§         Implemented a QuickBooks add-on application with a GUI use interface provides data to a Thoroughbred Work Order system utilizing a TCP/IP connection

§         Designed and implemented an Employee Time-Clock Entry add-on to QuickBooks

§         Tested, maintained, documented, and deployed other applications

Business/ERP Software Company                                                  14 Years

Position: Computer Programmer

Project Description: Partners with Small and Medium Enterprises to reach their business and technology goals through the utilization of the special expertise of our employees.  

Environment: Microsoft Visual Studio, Crystal Reports, Java 2, SQL, R-Tree, C-Tree, barcode scanners, and label printers.

Roles & Responsibilities:

§         Used Crystal Reports to write reports for the Enterprise System

§         Completed course work to enhance my Crystal Reports knowledge

§         Designed and developed an interpreter that processes C-like scripts. The interpreter allows companion applications to be coded quickly.  The results are integrated applications, with the same look and feel as the primary ERP Modules.

§         Translated applications to-and-from Microsoft C and the interpreter script language

§         Developed Java 2 modules as part of the Enterprise System

§         Developed the Print-Lib library, comprised of a variety of graphical functions and font controls

§         Created a C++ print-preview application which processed Print-Lib script

§         Developed several library functions to draw line charts, pie charts and other graphics

§         Wrote reports using Faircom’s R-Tree language with the support of Print-Lib

§         Developed a Windows Toolbar to provide direct access to the Enterprise System Modules

§         Developed a library to continue to utilize existing DOS ERP applications, as enhanced Windows applications

§         Programmed handheld Symbol, Mars, and other barcode scanners to coordinate shipping and inventory. One system involved RF networking to provide real time data.

§         Wrote code to generate a labels on various Label Printers

§         Wrote applications that made use of RS-232 serial communication technology

§         Occasionally visited client work sites to install, upgrade, or debug systems

Business Software Company                                                                1 Year

Position: Computer Programmer

Project Description: Provided Small and Medium Organizations with solutions in Clipper and RPG.

Environment: Clipper, MS-DOS.

Roles & Responsibilities:

§         Wrote five separate Clipper database applications

§         Visited client work sites when required


Manufacturer                                                                                           2 Years

Position: Computer Programmer

Project Description: The computer department, of the hospital bed manufacturer, provided applications to its office and factory.

Environment: Clipper, MS-DOS.

Roles & Responsibilities:

  • Interacted with users to determine system requirements
  • Wrote Clipper applications for the factory and office
  • Answered questions of computer users and instructed in the use of applications