Retention Election (pro-life or abortion) Nov.2019
November 5, 2019 Municipal Election
=== Superior Court ===
- [might not protect unborn?]Q: Anne E. Lazarus be retained for an additional term as Judge of the Superior Court of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
- [Pro-Life]: Judy Olson, Judge of the Superior Court of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
=== Commonwealth Court ===
- [Pro-Life]: Kevin Brobson
- [likely is Pro-Life]: A. McCullough, Judge of the Commonwealth Court of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
=== County Court ===
- [might not protect unborn?]Q: David L. Ashworth, Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, 2nd Judicial District, Lancaster County.
[Pro-Life]: Cheryl L. Allen, Allegheny
Currently: Pennsylvania Superior Court Judge
Supporters: Endorsed by gun-rights group Firearm Owners Against Crime and Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation.
In any case, she found a home in the Republican Party, winning a seat on the Superior Court in 2007. She makes no apologies for her religious faith or pro-life position.